The girls did a self portrait the other day. It was a lot of fun. I gave them each a hand mirror and we explored each feature in detail. Their eyes; the pupil, the whites and different colors, eyebrows and lashes, their noses and how they start up by their eyes, their lips, color and shape, teeth, ect. When we got it all done Ella suddenly looked at her whole picture as if seeing it for the first time, and cried out in dismay, "I look like a monster!!" I did try to comfort her, but I agree with her. LOL
I so enjoyed my trip! I had a great time with friends and family. I got to see the beautiful landscape, and God showed me some very thought provoking things about myself. So thankful I was able to go. Here are some pictures of my trip, but I need my friends to share their pictures too because I didn't get any photos of us all together.
I am getting very excited about our trip to Washington. I have gone back and forth about going because I will have to do all of the driving until at least Portland, OR. I am really starting to look forward to the trip though and can't wait to spend some quality time with family. Walks, dress up and tea parties for my girls, not to mention cousin time, beach and just good ole visiting with loved ones. I know God will watch over me and help me. He has given me a peace about it the last few days. Can't wait!
I am so glad for the time I have spent blogging. Today I have enjoyed going back over my old ones and remembering... Life is always changing and it is wonderful to go back and read. One of the things I was giggling over today was back in 2007 when I resolved to do better about getting around in the mornings. Still one of my battles. Another one was when I looked into my future and saw empty, lonely days with Andy grown. God is so good! One of the comments I received on that one was from a sister who stated that she would have kids in the home until at least 2025. Well, now for me it will be at least 2026 and I couldn't be happier about it. It is hard to read comments from Trina, but so glad they are there. Gale I SO miss you! Hope we get some walks soon. Thankful that I have this to look back on with my dear friends adding to it along the way :)