Here is our beautiful new dog. I think his brown eyes are odd, they don't really match the rest of him. Speaking of colors though, that's a whole new subject, one I have been thinking about posting about. So here goes...
I feel like I have always had issues with colors. They stress me out when it comes to matching. The shades, tones, hues, blah, blah, blah... So I try to always play it safe and don,t mix colors to much. Boring? Yes, but stress free.
What sparked the idea for this post was Sky's comment on my last post about how the wall was apricot and not orange. Instantly my insecurities with color rose to the surface. I think to myself, "Is the wall apricot? It seems darker than apricot, maybe rust, but maybe it is apricot..." and so on. I decided over the years and after many of these stressful conversations with myself that for the most part I would reduce my color lingo to the basics: red, yellow, orange, blue, ect.
Another recent experience went as such. After church one day I overheard 2 sisters having a conversation. Sharon tells Kourtney that she loves her periwinkle blue sweater and that it is,in fact, one of her favorite colors. I am instantly confused because the sweater kourtney has on is purple. Kourtney responds that she loves it too, but can't believe that the tag on it in the store said,"purple." Okay at least I'm not alone in my dyslexia of colors.
One of my dear friends (love ya Gale) chose sea foam green and nectarine (or something that sounded as equally crazy) for her wedding colors. I have seen actual sea foam. It is whitish with brown scum. Not at all the color of the green in the wedding, which was beautiful. Where do they come up with these things?
Lighting doesn't help the situation at all either. In different rooms, things look different, and then there's the different lighting outside too! I have 3 colors of green in my room, not on purpose, but I get to the store and see something really cute and think that is definitely the color of my room, only to get it home and find that it is a different shade or hue or something. One item I actually scoped out for a month or so going back in the store a few times to look at it before purchasing it. At least Dale was with me too, so it doesn't have to be all my fault.
Oh well, I have now given you the lowdown on my extreme and comical color insecurities. Honestly in the last year or so I have decided all of this color stressing is over the top and if people don't like what I'm wearing or the colors of my house, they can deal with it. Unless you are my good friend, then you better let me know, I still need help!
10 I love comments!!:
Interesting, not boring. Your dog is really beautiful. I think that colors that don't match can still match if you think about it, because if your room has a 3 different colors of green it might just look really cool, instead of weird, or whatever you want to say. Anyway I think it can look really cool, and my vote is all that matters right? Lol.
Oh, and I forgot to put this in the other comment: You should post a picture of your room with the 3 different colors of Green! Then we can tell you (Truthfully) what we think of it, I will probably say it looks cool.
I'm with Kali, post a picture of your tri color room and we will all dissect it! Cody is beautiful. It is fun to have an animal around. I enjoyed our visit.
Wow, Cody is really pretty! I loved your comments on your color insecurities. I hadn't known you felt insecure about your colors, before. But sometimes I do, too. I'm getting better about it - I've had several people to teach me!
But I still say that my blanket is purple, while other people say I must be color blind, that is so blue! Also, I STILL say that the flipflops that Brooke and I both got the same pattern of, that were supposed to be Independce/Patriotic things, blue with white polka dots and a red star over the thong part, were not red, white & blue, but rather pink, white & purple! LOL. I don't know if you knew or not, that Brooke and I made an agreement about that. Hers would be spoken of as red, white & blue, while mine would be pink, white & purple. It worked well! LOL.
After I wrote that your wall was apricot I looked again and actually thought it was more a rust too but I was in too big of a hurry to fix it. Anyway what I meant was it didn't look orange, orange like an orange. :) I have disagreements with people (Ashley & Sam) about blue/purple &green/blue too. And to make things more interesting I see different colors out of each of my eyes! So it makes me wonder which color things really are? Or is color just one of those things open to personal interpretation?! Probably so.
It is personal interpretation. My room has several different colors of brown in it. I tell myself it is to escape the matchy-matchy look. Nature has lots of different colors of green and they all match. You are brilliant to realize this and plan accordingly. I think designers keep the same color and change the name sometimes just to confuse everyone.
I think that as long as they do not clash then it is good to go. SO you should just not worry. There is more important thing to worry about then what people think of you colors. Like Shoes. My shoes never go with my out fits. So maybe you can help me with that.
Your dog looks nice some of my kids would love it.
I'm beginning to think a lot of people see colors differently. When I first saw the picture of your wall the first color that poped into my head was red....which is far from apricot in my opinion. And I don't think that it is important for all your greens to be the same, as long as they all go together. I would like to see more pictures though.
I agree with you on the color thing. I stress out about colors sometimes too. I have that color dyslexia to .
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