Going Private

I have made the decision to make my blog private. Those of you who are interested in continuing to read my blog please email me from my profile page so I can invite you. I will wait a few weeks to make sure everyone has an opportunity to read this post.


The Isaacs were wonderful!! I enjoyed the concert a lot. At 10 o'clock they had intermission and when they still weren't back at 10:20, we left. We had an hours drive ahead of us and by this time I wasn't feeling well. I had finally caught Dale's cold.

We had plans for the weekend, and we had already postponed them for a week because Dale was sick. I got to feeling better the next morning, so we continued with our plans. By Friday night however, I had totally lost my voice. Here I was with dear brethren that I hadn't got to visit with in well over a year, and I couldn't visit! Laryngitis had hit me once again. I have always been very susceptible and when I get a cold, my voice is normally the first thing to go.

I was sitting there speechless (truly) and remembering one time in particular that I had laryngitis. It was 17 years ago this past December 8, at my bridal shower. I would unwrap a gift, ooh and awe over it silently, but with much expression to make up for my silence. I would mouth a huge thank you, then my good friend and spokes woman Trina would calmly say, "She says thanks." We all got some good laughs.

Trina, you would have had a great time translating this past weekend. There were times I had all eyes on me, trying to read lips so that I might be able to be a part of the conversation. On Sunday, I was tempted to stay home (at Lee and Cherries) but in the end I said a prayer and went to church. I'm glad I did. Ron and sherry were there and most of the brethren hung out after dinner and visited. As the day wore on, my voice began to materialize. I was so excited! You don't know how hard it is to sit silently by while Ron goes on and on in his normal harassing fashion. By the end of the evening, I was able to hold my own against him. Yeah!

All in all, we ended up having a wonderful weekend. Today I am resting and recuperating. ahhh...

Stormie, I really enjoyed our girl time. Snacks and Little House on the Prarie, you can't beat that. Sorry you had to go to bed before it ended:( We'll have to watch part 2 sometime.

Going to see The Isaac's!!

On Thursday night I will be going to see The Isaac's and a few other groups in concert. I am very excited. The Isaac's, Pieces of Our Past is my very favorite cd. I put a few of their songs on here for you to enjoy (yes Trina, I know you are shocked that I figured out how to put something on here by myself!!). These are not my favorite songs of theirs, but they are still good. I have been to a few gospel concerts and it is so awesome to be able to hear the live professional singers. I have never heard The Isaac's live, so I can't wait!! The Bishop's and The Perry's are some of the other groups, I haven't heard them but I've heard that they are good too. My mom and I and a few other ladies are going to make an evening of it. Again, I am sooo excited!

A day in our life

5:15 am
Get up with Dale. Make his breakfast and lunch. He has had a pretty bad cough. Someone prayed for him last night at church, I think he is some better.

Go back to bed.

finally drift off to sleep.

Andy wakes me up to see if he can sleep in. --He cut his thumb on a table saw the day before at work. Yes, I said TABLE SAW! When he had come in from work, he casually told me he had cut his thumb. I was busy making dinner and he didn't seem to be in any pain, so I didn't pay to much attention until Dale got home a few minutes later. Andy started going into some details about a table saw. Dale immediately got agitated and wanted to see the cut. Andy is very blessed that it is only a cut, the thumb could easily have been taken off. Anyway, he didn't sleep much because his thumb was throbbing all night.

I finally fall back to sleep again!

I bolt up in bed realizing the time on this very overcast day.

Oatmeal for breakfast. Yummy!

After getting around for the day we all (Dad, Mom, Andy and I) head out to an elderly couples house. The couple both have bad health and the night before they had asked for prayer. The brother entertains us with war stories. He was in world war 2, in the battle of the bulge. He also has some harsh things to say about President Roosevelt. I am surprised at this because we did a detailed study on Roosevelt a few years ago and for the most part we only found good. Maybe we didn't look in the right places. I respected the things the brother had to say. The couple had a picture of their Wedding day. He was 21 and she was 17. He is now 83 and she is 79. They are quite unlike the young couple in the photo, but they talk of their meeting and courtship as if it were yesterday. It was a reminder of how quickly time flies. I know people say that all the time, but it is unreal at times.

We stop in for lunch at "Steak and Eggs." I order a grilled chicken sandwich and a bowl of chicken veg soup, the only things on the menu that are on my diet. The food is very good, in fact this is the best restaurant I've been to on the trip. That is really saying something, because we eat out almost daily. This meal is monumental in another way, my parents finally let me pay for my meal. They always buy, and won't hear of anything else. I have tried and tried, but this time is different. Was I firmer in my insistence? Did they finally just cave in? I don't know the secret to my success, I just know I was successful. Well, sort of, they only let me buy mine not Andy's or theirs. They are very sweet and giving, and always feel as if they need to help their kids, even if their kids are nearing 40.

Our next stop is "Bob's Clothiers." This is the one clothing store in town, besides Walmart, and it has only men's clothes. "Bob's" and a few of the other downtown shops are having their yearly blowout sales today. Andy is in need of a pair of jeans and even though this tiny store is where grandpa buys his clothes he is willing to give it a look. The blowout prices are as such: $36 for a pair of Levis
$43 for a pair of blah jeans
Grandpa ends up getting a much needed smaller pair of dockers. He had the flu this winter, which started a weight loss that is still continuing. His other dockers have a pleat in the back when he cinches up his belt because they are to big.

We stop in at Niney's house. She has been sick most of the time I've been here. She had her 80th birthday in September, so I don't like to see her be down sick like this. We normally go to see her everyday. Aunt V. is there and another sister comes while we are there.

Sonic Happy Hour! Half price drinks. Large lemon slush for me! HeHe!

Get back to the house and decide to order pizza for dinner. Clean kitchen, call Cherrie, watch weather channel- we keep a close eye on the weather channel around here! Whew, no storms even on the extended forecast, but the meteorologist warns that this will probably change before it's all said and done. For today though, things look good, so I start eyeing the hot tub. I have yet to get in because we are either gone or it's storming. I have no desire to be in the hot tub in a lightning storm, call me crazy.

I talk to Dale. He is still at work which means he won't be getting here until after 6. :(

The pizza man arrives. He says with awe,"You probably get this a lot, but first of all you have a beautiful house and second you look just like Jodie Foster." I graciously thanked him for both complements, not interrupting him to say this wasn't MY house, that would have been rude, don't you think? Jodie Foster is pretty, so I was feeling good about myself, until I remembered that she is 9 years OLDER than I am! Oh well, she's in the movies where they keep them looking young, and I am getting older. I think it's kind of a reach to say I look like her anyway.

After inspecting all the pizzas for accuracy, I take some of the chicken, olive, onion, mushroom, no cheese pizza and enjoy. It is surprisingly delicious. No cheese pizzas have a tendency to be dry and flavorless, but "Mazzios" has loaded it with extra sauce and toppings. It is very tasty.

After inhaling his pizza, Andy has decided it is time to change the bandage on his thumb. This hasn't been done since the night before and all day we had been discussing how we would do it. Andy had whined and whined about not wanting us to mess with it, and since we ended up being gone most of the day, he got his way. Now that the rest of us are eating dinner, Andy has deciced that NOW is the time. Sometimes when I look at my dad, I see expressions that I am also capable of making, so when dad and I simultaneously gave Andy the same "You've got to be kidding me look," he settled down on the couch and resorted to staring at our plates.

We start the grueling process. I won't give any of the gory details, but I will say when we eventually got the bandage loose, the cut had healed much better than we had hoped.

Dale gets home in the middle of the process and is able to see the cut.

Andy and I get in the hot tub. It is wonderfully relaxing, it probably would have been more so for Andy if he hadn't had to hang his arm out the side to avoid getting his thumb wet.


TV watching


Bed. I'm having a hard time falling asleep. Do you think 10am wake up had anything to do with it? Nooo, I'm sure that's not it. Dale is still coughing some and keeping me awake. zzz...

About this blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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