Amazing New Developements

I have felt lately that I am just sitting here biding my time, wondering what God's plan is. Why is this house not working out? I have been trying to have an open mind and pray for God's will in it, but honestly as of late I have gotten a bit discouraged with it all. Then yesterday came. We have had an offer in at Countrywide Bank (they own the house) for a week with no word from them. Here's the gist of the situation:

  • Asking price for the house $84,000
  • 2 weeks ago we offered $70,000 plus they pay our closing(4,600)
  • 3 days later they lowered the price of the house to $80,000 and offered us that as a counter, so basically a full price offer as a counter and no closing costs included
  • 1 week ago we offered $73,000 plus they pay our closing again, so we were about $10,000 apart on the numbers total
  • No word from Countrywide, anger, anxiety and prayer all going on in this house
  • Yesterday, the deadline day, Countrywide accepted our offer!!!!

I was in complete shock. When my Realtor called and told me, I didn't believe her, then I started jumping up and down all over the kitchen in excitement.

In the days before that, I was getting very angry because I thought the bank was being arrogant and letting us just sit the week out with no answer when they were not going to accept anything less than full price. I had so many conversations with them, in my head of coarse, about how they were acting sure of themselves in these economic times, and that house had been on the market for 8 months and the price had only come down the 4,000 in that time. At night we would watch the news and see the stock market dropping and hear about the mortgage crisis and wonder why the bank wasn't jumping to sell when they had the chance. We had made plans to go look at more houses and basically move on. I thought that's what my realtor was calling about. I had totally given up. But I can see now they had to wait and see if they got a better offer before accepting ours at the last minute. I am so thankful. Some other amazing things played out yesterday too that has allowed me to see that God has perfect timing and he was in control all the time. The bank accepted our deal on Wednesday, Oct. 8 2008 because that's when it was God's will. No doubt about it.

Hopefully all goes well from here, I feel drained at this point and all we have accomplished is getting an accepted offer. We still have inspections, appraisals, and closing to get through. I know that God is in control and will accomplish his will.

*In other totally unrelated news, Andy has made a huge turn around in algebra. He is putting a lot of time and effort into it and while it's not coming easy, it is coming and he is thinking about taking trig next year! Thanks for your prayers!

10 I love comments!!:

michelle October 9, 2008 at 6:33 AM  

Happy for you that you are getting your house .Hope it all goes very fast. I know how hard it is staying with people .Atleast you only have the 3 of you so it not as bad as 6 or 8 people moving in with someone.

meNmykids October 9, 2008 at 8:27 AM  

Wonderful! It will be so nice to be in your own home. I know that the emotional drain in this sort of thing is rough, take a deep breath. Glad about Andy, sometimes things don't come as easy as we think they should, but if we buckle down and work hard we can still have the right outcome. Good for Andy.

JoAnn October 10, 2008 at 1:44 PM  

I am so happy for you getting your house. That can be such a stressful thing. Everything in Gods own good time.

Skylene October 10, 2008 at 6:08 PM  

That's great! I guess if it goes through you will know D- is the place for you to live; at least for a while! (hee hee)

Sylvia October 10, 2008 at 11:25 PM  

That is soo great they accepted your offer. I hope everything else flows smoothly. I knew Andy could do Algebra. Tell him I am proud of him for sticking it out. It will probably stay with him longer because he has to work at it.

Sylvia October 10, 2008 at 11:25 PM  

That is soo great they accepted your offer. I hope everything else flows smoothly. I knew Andy could do Algebra. Tell him I am proud of him for sticking it out. It will probably stay with him longer because he has to work at it.

Trina October 11, 2008 at 9:50 PM  

OH wow that is incredibly exciting news!! God is so good Chantilly! Wow again! Im also glad to hear that Andy is doing so well in Algebra. Timing is everything in this life, but waiting on and understanding Gods timing is challenging. We are at the coast and I just so happened to check my blog to find out you posted. Im so glad to find out your amazing news. Miss you! *muah*

meNmykids October 14, 2008 at 8:36 AM  

I miss you. Deidra prayed the other night and prayed specially for Aunt Chantel. I think she misses you too.

Sabriena October 14, 2008 at 6:00 PM  

Well, that's certainly right about God allowing it to work out in His time. Sometimes it is hard to just stand still and let God move like the song says. Dad loved trig, he said. Of course, he discarded a lot of what he learned, and just kept a few formulas in his head, because he said that you could figure all of the other ones out if you had those main ones. Andy'll probably do the same thing. 'Cause like my Dad, Andy's a smart guy! Missing you! Praying for you, too.

Sabriena October 14, 2008 at 6:36 PM  

That is cool that we're on at the same time. I miss you a lot, so it's nice that it was with you that it happened! No coincidences in life, everything is planned by God, even what seems like they are little things like being on blogger at the same time.

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Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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