Just a few tidbits about life in general

1. We are in the middle of our house deal. We offered, they countered, and now we've countered. This has all happened since Friday the 26th. The house is bank owned, so we are impressed with their speed.

2. I went to my first big quilt fair last Friday. It was huge! Similar in size to some of the larger homeschool fairs. They had some very awesome quilts and projects. I just finished my own quilt project. It was my first rag quilt. It was basic, but very cute. I thought it would be bigger when I was done. Next time I'll remember that. My precious new nephew, Gabriel, is the recipient.

3. Church has been very good lately. It seems that God has been speaking directly to me, it's amazing. I was praying about testifying last night when a brother got up and read 150th psalms. It is all about praising God. The brother talked about how he sometimes made the faith more complicated than it was. God wants us to praise him. We ended up having several testimonies.

4. Doughnuts. When we lived here before, we started inviting the brethern over after church on Wed. nights for doughnuts from this wonderful little doughnut shop with fresh, hot doughnuts. About 3 years ago we came through on a Wed night for church, then after church we got everyone to go to the doughnut shop. Since that time the brethern here have been going every Wed night. It is awesome! You walk in the back where they have racks and racks of fresh doughnuts and make your pick from bavarian cream, old fashion, long johns, glazed and twists, huge chocolate topped pretzels, raspberry filled.......mmm..... When we first started going years ago, the owner loved Andy and would always give him free doughnuts, which is comical since as most of you know Andy didn't like doughnuts or sweets when he was little, but we definitely took the doughnuts with a smile. We didn't want to hurt Mr. doughnuts feelings and the doughnuts were enjoyed, not to worry. In any case, 3 years ago when we came through, Mr. doughnut recognized Andy when he walked in the door. I was amazed. It had been over 6 years since he had seen him. Last month when we went in on our first Wed night here, Dale and I went in the back room to choose our doughnuts and owner was friendly but didn't recognize us. A few minutes later Andy joined us and the guy looked at him and instantly asked, "What's your name?" Andy told him and he got so excited. "I knew it, I knew it, how are you Andy, it's been a long time..." Imagine all of this coming from a short, little, asian man with a thick accent. Come and see us and we will take you to the doughnut man. mmm... Whew, this tidbit could have been its own post!

5. The terrible, awful, stupid, pointless, dreaded ...ALGEBRA 2... I have never taken algebra 2 but Andy assures me that these are all words that describe it completely. Last night in church one of the testimonies was from a brother who talked about being in college and feeling totally overwhelmed by his studies. He said he would often ask his mother and the brethern to pray for him. He said high school had always been easy for him, but when he took his first college chemistry test that he had never studied so hard for something and done so poorly. He was devastated. Dale, Andy and I talked a lot about it last night and part of the time Andy was very upset and wanted out of the class no matter what the cost. Later when he was talking more rationally, he realized he needed the class to be able to take the science classes that he is VERY interested in. Dale offered to help at night and we will all be praying him through.

6. Dale's job is going good. We feel that God blessed us with it.

12 I love comments!!:

michelle October 2, 2008 at 6:37 AM  

I am glad everything is working out for you guys.Still missing you here tho.I think Tyrel is probly mssing you the most.So far we have Noise about this baby Gabriel on your post and on Julies .but just a name nothing else.When and all that.

Sabriena October 2, 2008 at 10:27 AM  

I hope everything works out for Andy, and that everything continues to go well for U. Dale with his job. I've never taken Algebra 2, but I think I'd have to agree with those words, too... sometimes they describe Algebra (1)! I'm glad you've been being uplifted Spiritually. I'll come visit you any time that I can! That is neat about the guy recognizing Andy AGAIN! I remember you telling us about him recognizing Andy the first time, and have thought about it since, too. I thought you'd said he was oriental. That's cool that the brethren have kept going to that shop every Wednesday, even while you guys were gone. Sounds like the quilt fair was awesome! I'd love to see one. That sounds really good about the house. Hopefully you'll be able to get it soon. And congrats on the new nephew! He must be really cute... hint, hint (think you could get Sis. Cherrie to have somebody make a post about the new baby???)(with pictures).

Trina October 2, 2008 at 3:54 PM  

It seems like things are going very well for you guys there. Im so glad to hear that. God always knows what we stand in need of, before we even do. This place seems to be full of good things for you guys. I understand how you feel about the tough classes for Andy. We will be praying for Isaiah alot through his classes and I will happily include Andy.

meNmykids October 2, 2008 at 6:13 PM  

Unbelievable about the man remembering Andy. However, if you think about it, he is a terribly memorable guy. We miss him. I enjoyed our visit.

Kalisha October 3, 2008 at 9:59 AM  

Everything is very interesting, and neat. Number 4 is really really neat, and interesting. I remember Andy not liking sweets. One time he was eating a cookie and when you saw him you thought he must be sick or something, but he was "Just waiting for his friend."

Marisela October 3, 2008 at 2:50 PM  

Sounds like things are going really well for you. Keep us posted on the house. You will have to post some pictures too. That is neat theat that guy would remember Andy after all these years.

Amber Lois October 6, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

Algebra is not that bad. It is all in your head. SO i'm really missing you right now.

Amber Lois October 6, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

Algebra is not that bad. It is all in your head. SO i'm really missing you right now.

Skylene October 7, 2008 at 4:22 PM  

I would love to come visit you and eat donuts!

meNmykids October 7, 2008 at 4:31 PM  

We need more tidbits!

Tish October 8, 2008 at 12:07 AM  

This is not fair! It's late at night and I'm catching up on my blog reading while everyone sleeps and you are making me hungry with your talk of doughnuts! That is neat that you all get together on Wednesdays like that. That is special that the man recogizes Andy. You never know the people you touch in life.
I'm glad Dale's job is going well. I will try to remember Andy with his Math. I was always pretty good at Math, but I never did any of the really complicated stuff; and the stuff I did do has been 10 years ago.

Sylvia October 8, 2008 at 8:37 PM  

I am sorry Andy doesn't like Algebra 2. I liked it. I didn't like Geometry, to many theorems to memorize. If I ever get to go on trip I hope you will take me to that doughnut shop. It sounds great. I am thankful for Dales job, and I will remember Andys math.

About this blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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