My mom is here visiting and I helped her create a blog. For any friends out there interested, her url is I think she will really enjoy it especially if she can get comments (hint hint).

We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We were able to accomplish quite a bit on the remodel. About half of what we wanted to but isn't that how it always goes? We had some quality family time. Good stuff. Feeling very blessed.

Here's our new shower :)

Dad's Birthday Today

Just remembering my dad today on his birthday. It has been a little over 2 years since he passed away. We will always love you dad. I will always be thankful for the things he taught me. He would have been 64 today.

This photo shows my dad as the kidder that he was :)

A flood of thoughts

As I cleaned this morning, the house has been quiet. Kids are still sleeping, guys are at work, tv and computer were off. Very nice. It allowed my thoughts to flow without distraction, and here they are:

Great meeting last night! We are having called meeting this week and I so enjoyed it last night. It is wonderful when God reads my mind and allows the prayers, ministry, testimonies, and even songs to coincide with what I already felt. Of course, I think He allowed me to have those thoughts in the first place so that I could have the blessing of unity in that still small voice. Enjoyed a house full of brethren yesterday. That's always good!

Part of our company last night was Bro Joe AKA The Great Appliance Guru. He fixed my dishwasher. To truly understand how this makes me feel, imagine me dancing around, jumping up and down and singing a tune while I say this again, HE FIXED MY DISHWASHER, OH YA, OH YA, DOOO AH!! So this is why when Dale and Andy left for work this morning at 5:45 I cheerfully stayed up and loaded my dishwasher instead of heading back to bed. It's amazing how excited you can get to load the dishwasher after using a crippled one for a few weeks. As I was washing the dishes, I was thinking about some of the conversations I had yesterday. Good spiritual food, but also other good and inspiring talks about how each person cleans. So armed with the motivation from having my dished done a little after 6 this morning, I took some of the advice and cleaned my ceiling fan, the top of my refrigerator, and the greasy area above my stove. And it's not even 8 yet! Feeling good :)

In the midst of all this feeling good, I must post one tiny grr... We had a good Halloween, but I have no proof because the designated picture taker fell down on the job...Well actually he failed miserably. We went to a Halloween party and he took 9 pictures of other people's children. A few shots have the side or back of Ella too, but no pictures of Samantha. In all fairness and in his defense, he says I didn't tell him to take pictures of our children and he's not a mind reader... I'm sure it was tough to figure out why I brought the camera to the party. I need to be better at communicating and not rely on Dale's psychic abilities.

And last but certainly not least, it is evident God has been working with Andy just lately. It is wonderful to be able to share in that with him and hear the humbleness in his prayers and the thankfulness of his testimonies in and out of church.

God is my heavenly father and he surely knows all about me and is so good to me, even though I am just an unprofitable servant.

About this blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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