The morning schoolwork is done. Kids playing out on this beautiful 70 degree day. Laundry and dishes are going. I am planning for our camping trip this weekend to who knows where yet, but hopefuly it will be a blast.
We got a new love seat for our den in the basement. We had limited space, and we made sure to measure so it would fit. Unfortunately, we forgot to measure our stairs, so it absolutely would Not go down, and believe me we tried HARD.
Thankfully, I am married to a smart talented guy, which I already knew, but this takes the cake. He removed the fabric off of one end, 10,000,000 staples and all seriously! Then he pulled out a multi master tool and began to saw the arm off of my new couch... I will admit I was more than a bit nervous about this.
We were then able to fit it down the stairs. Dale reattached the arm and the fabric, 10,000,000 staples and all. Both arms look exactly the same. He is amazing!!
I think if we ever move, the couch is staying. lol
I was gone for 20 minutes the other night and left the girls with Dale. When I got back, Samantha had taught Ella how to ride her bike with no training wheels. Oh, the joys of having 2 this time around.
Now, if she would just teach her how to tie her shoes. lol
It is a mazing how many times I have written a post mentally, here of late. One of these days, they will probably have the technology that allows us to do that. That seems a little scary really, but it would be convenient if I could give a mental command while I'm in the middle of washing dishes or driving down the road, for the computer to write my post. Ha ha.
Anyhow, the downstairs is coming along and I hope to post photos one day soon. The girls love their new room, and so do I. Carpet is in, we just need to finish up a little painting, base, and punch list items and it will be all done. :)))