This is my first year back to homeschooling since May of 2008. Then we were doing geometry, geography, and other high school sophomore courses. Now, it's time to start over, way over. Samantha is in kindergarten. Andy went to public school until 2nd grade, so this is my first time teaching someone to read. No pressure, right? Actually we are having a great year and she is really excelling.
We are using k12 and let me start off by saying that there are things I like about them and things I don't. I like the fact that we have a daily and weekly plan. This is the first place I go everyday, because it is a clean cut list of what to do and what's been accomplished. You know I love that! The bad part about the list is that in order to check anything off you must go through several different web pages and the site runs really slow so it can be quite frustrating just to log what you've done for the day.
The phonics program is very thorough and consists of: sight word flash cards, abc memorization, individual sounds practice online and off, finger stretching sounds in words (this has really helped Samantha move forward), spelling first words, worksheets, reading first readers, rhyming, finding syllables, alphabetizing, ect. Most days we do 6-7 of these for phonics practice. Even though Samantha is a young Kindergartener, (her birthday is just 9 days before the cut off) she is amazing her k12 teachers with her reading skills and is far ahead of her age.
We are enjoying the language program. It is set in two parts, literature and language. There are several good books that came with the set and reading stories is always fun. There are detailed questions and answers and a worksheet that go along with them. The language is vocabulary, writing and poetry. The vocab is online and Samantha can navigate it herself, which is nice because there isn't a lot at the Kindergarten level that they can work on alone. There is an all about me book that the kids work on throughout the year for writing and keeping track of all their favorites (foods, books, colors, friends, days)
Their math program is online and off. A few different manipulatives come with the set. Lots and lots of practice involved here. It can get very mundane. Also the k12 standards and testing expect results beyond what they are teaching in math. For example, even though Samantha is on track and doing fine in math, she tested behind because they only have her working on numbers up to 20, but for the test, expected her to know up to 69.
For handwriting they use Handwriting without tears, which we love and will continue to use next year when we are no longer using k12.
Our elective subject is science. I don't like the format of the science program. It sometimes talks above kindergarten so you have to interpret everything. It is also only online and again you have to get through several pages to get anything accomplished, which is frustrating on their website. Having said that, my girls have really enjoyed science and learned a lot.
K12 only teaches about the calendar for a very short time, so we have our own classroom type calendar that we try to do everyday along with the Pledge of Allegiance. We definitely don't do it everyday, but we need goals right?
In summary, I think k12 is a little overwhelming and it also steals time that my girls would be making their own school choices like puzzles, books, our own flash cards, blocks, numbers and letters. We have to forgo those things many times to be able to check the box and accomplish a lesson. Also, many things about the program are tough for the girls to do together, even though they are only 13 months apart. Samantha is a quick learner and was advanced when we started the year, so I don't know if k12 has been better than anything else would have been for her. Next year we will have our own structured plan with things like; go phonics, mathusee, handwriting without tears, and hopefully the sonlight reading list, among other things.
A homeschool review
Labels: Homeschool
A new look
If any of you have been checking in here the last week or so, thank you for you patience while I worked my blog over to find the perfect new look. I love the pictured notebook and list that goes with my theme.
We have a big day of homeschooling ahead today, so maybe later I will post a few aspects of our day. The last time I posted about homeschooling was years ago when Andy was still in high school. Since we have started over and are currently doing Kindergarten and preschool, life is very different to say the least!
Feeling blessed and refreshed!
I have really enjoyed my "alone" time with the Lord and he has surely blessed me in it! I am amazed at what God will show and share when we have our hearts open to it and are listening. I am thankful that I have a God who walks beside me. Yes, I have trials, but everyone does. We can choose to have God in our life through them or try to figure things out on our own. I can't even imagine my life without the Lord and don't care too. He gives me daily bread to make it day by day. I have to privilege of serving Him. I am so thankful for it!
Labels: spiritual
Time to be quiet
It has been a bit since my last post, but do you ever feel it's just time to be quiet? Just be quiet and listen to the Lord. Sometimes even posting about my darling girls is just too trivial. I think Trina posted about this in the past, and I find myself mulling over her words and finding so much more depth now that she is gone.
Just Him and I. Trusting only Him. Having ALL my confidence in Him. Quiet. Listen...
Labels: spiritual
Mother- A woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.
-A person who provides the care and affection associated with the female parent.
Sorry but these definitions are very shallow and lacking. They don't even begin to cover the sheer joy, abundant love, happiness, heartbreak, and continual worrying of a mother. That she, "Provides the care and affection," ok that just sounds cold and unattached. Which is completely opposite of how a mother feels.
She is filled with amazement when her 4 year old comes up to her and says, "Momma, you know "asteroids" is rocks that live in space?" And her heart is full to bursting when her 5 year old says things like, "Your the best mommy EVER!!!!" or "I love you infinity!!!!", and then gives a big bear hug with all she has. She is beaming with pride when her 20 year old picks up the check after an expensive meal. But then, her heart breaks and is full of fear when he moves out to the unknown. She has confidence that God sees her tears and hears her prayers, so she keeps praying, praying, praying...
The dictionary should be updated. I mean think about it, if it's this far off on a word we all know and understand, What about the words we are actually looking up for meaning? Is it that far off on the depth of all the meanings??
Labels: family