This summer has been quite busy as most of you know. Yesterday we had an evening to ourselves. We took a drive up in the forest behind our house and then a short hike. It was beautiful. The sunset was simply awesome. It was so nice to just walk along and take it all in. There were wild daisies growing everywhere! We grabbed several and I brought them home and made a nice bouquet for the table. It is a great little reminder of our family time together.
4 I love comments!!:
I am so glad that you had some alone time. It is always needed. Love you lots.
The bouquet was beautiful, made me want to go search out some daisys. Glad you had some time alone, it really helps to rejuvinate a person.
Wonderfull that you found time to get away.We are just the oppisit we wish we could have some of the company you all have been getting.Ron and Cherri did stop thru here on last thursday evening and us ,rusty and dougs families all went out to dinner with them .But then they headed on to Colorado.Our place is pretty lonely right now.Derek& sheila are gone for 3 weeks . Danny leaves this week for 3 weeks.And Rusty and Dawn are gone most all weekends for ball games.
That sounds nice...It is so great to enjoy some family time and marvel at God's handy work....we all need that once in a while
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