I have truly enjoyed having my blog and being able to keep in touch with so many loved ones. But, it is easy to forget that the things we write are here for all to see. I sometimes get caught up in someones blog and I'm not as careful as I should be about the information I give in my comment. This is an innocent mistake and we all make it from time to time. But, I've heard so many stories about strangers being able to track people down by the information they find on the Internet that I just wanted to remind us how careful we should be.
Here are a few things to think about:
- Be as vague as possible about where people live. I live in Oregon.
- I think we should follow suit with whoever's blog we are on. For instance, if the blogger hasn't mentioned their children's names we shouldn't either in our comments.
- We are a tight knit group and sometimes we know when people will be on a trip. I think we should be careful not to mention when someone will be away from home, unless they mention it first.
- We should also be careful about naming and giving out information about people who are not blogging.
- I think we should leave last names off of comments and posts.
I am going to try to be more careful in the future. I am also going to go back through my blog and delete some old comments and posts that give a little more info than I want out here for all to see. I truly love getting comments, so please keep commenting, let's just all be a little more careful.