Howdy ladies! Today I want to share with you a few of the tips I have gleaned from my wonderful new tightwad gazette.
1. Make a home made cream soup instead of buying cream of chicken, mushroom, ect.:
2 Tbs butter or oil
2 Tbs vegetable (celery, mushroom, onion, ect)
2 Tbs flour
1 cup milk (she uses dry milk, I use soy)
1/2 tsp chick bouillon
saute veg. in butter or oil. Add flour. Mix well. Add milk and bouillon. Let thicken then salt and pepper to taste. This is very quick and easy, not to mention tasty. I just add it to chicken and steamed rice. Yum!
2. To keep your sos pad from rusting, put it in a baggie in the freezer. It is usable for weeks like this, instead of just a day or two before your sink has a nasty rust stain!
3.-This one cracks me up, but I have done it!- Smash your toilet paper roll before you put it on the holder. It spins around easily a few times then stops. This is supposed to keep kids from having to much fun unrolling the toilet paper!
Okay these are some of my favorites so far, but I will keep you updated when I come across more good stuff!
Some of the goals when I started this blog was to be able to share recipes and helpful hints, I have gotten sidetrack from time to time (hopefully it's been entertaining!) but I want to keep my focus on these "little things" that bring me joy. I must make a confession though, today I was headed for the grocery store when I suddenly remembered, I hadn't made a list! Panic!!! I breathed in and out slowly. I stopped the car right where I was (my driveway), I had to make a list before I got to the store, I mean, I might forget something!! Amazingly, I didn't have to go back inside to scan cabinets, I was able to recall the 6 items I needed. Maybe I could be done with list making all together! No, no. Then I would have to change my blog name. Who wants to go to all that work. Besides lists are some of those"little things" that bring me joy.
The joys in the life of a listmaker
Posted by
Chantel H
March 04, 2008
7 I love comments!!:
You are so funny! Those lists keep you tick'in and we need all you advice at least I do. I so need to try that recipe, I go thru so much cream of anything.
Yep! That's you, glad you didn't get all the way to the store, that would have been rough. I've been with you before as you made your way to the store, only halfway paying attention to the conversation while you mentally made your list. But you rarely forget something, which I always do. I miss you too, would love to visit a bit. Come see us!
Wish James would let me squish the roll first, maybe we'd only use a ton, not a ton 'n a half per month.
Your a funny gal. I like the cream soup recipe, and the hot coco one you had a while back. I will have to try that out. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you!
The toilet paper roll made me smile. I might have to try that, but we have boys so we don't go through as much as a female driven house...TMI? hehehe
Well if we are in the missing mode...I miss you too!!
You are too funny Chantel.
THANK YOU so much for these helpful tips! I will try to put all of them to use :)
I use that one for cream soup.
But on the toilet paper thing I think we are doomed. We have to use more toilet paper than anyone would think possible for a 5/6 person family.(Dwaine lives with us part of the time that is the reason for the 5/6) Sometimes I am horrified at how much we waste!
I print out a master list on my computer and highlight or mark what I need to buy. Every once in a while I forget my list.(equivelant to forgetting my brain.) Sometimes I have an old master list in my purse to save the day!
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