I totally enjoyed our trip and have 275 photos to remember it by! Here are some of my favorites. Some of them aren't fantastic, but they have a memory or a story that is precious to me and maybe some of you too.I hope to put all of them on walmart.com soon so that who ever wants to get copies can. I'll let you know when that happens, but please don't hold your breath.
Trip Pictures!!
The calm before the storm
I can't wait, only 6 days until we fly to the northwest! We have been pretty busy lately, which isn't unusual, but I talked Dale into having a nice lazy Saturday today. He normally can't handle just hanging out, but I reminded him that we have a few busy weeks ahead and he agreed to have a low key day. Here's the gist of it:
I finished reading my book, mistaken identity. It's an awesome book by the way, a real tear- jerker. It's a true story about two girls in a car accident. One is mistaken for the other. One of them dies in the accident. The wrong family cares for the girl they think is their daughter for five weeks before finding out she isn't. The book is about how the families coped.
We went for a bike ride. Believe it or not we went yardsaling on our bikes. Not on purpose, we just saw some and then tracked down some more. I found some more custard dishes, we use those all the time.
Read some gardening tips for our garden. Did you know that you can sprinkle crushed red peppers (the kind for pizza) to get rid of ants in the garden? Very interesting!!
Got some sun out in the hammock, while reading the readers digest. It got a little warm, but the experience was cool!
I created a blog for one of our sisters here, and now I am doing some blogging of my own.
Hope all of you have had as great a Saturday as I have and hope to see many of you VERY soon!!
Pictures and updates
We have been so busy the last month or so working on our yard. Here are a few pictures of the progress.