Here's what I've been up to.
I have canned/put up:
3 jars of green beans
9 bags of frozen green beans
9 bags of frozen green beans
3 pints pinto beans
9 quarts and 2 pints of pickles
30 pints and 8 quarts of diced tomatoes4 quarts of salsa
8 bags frozen zucchini-enough for 16 loaves of bread!
9 bags frozen peaches
12 frozen mangoes, diced
5 quarts frozen plums
8 lbs frozen strawberries
29 jars of peaches
11 jars of peach jam
30 bags frozen green chilies
37 quarts of frozen Olathe sweet corn
13 half pints of dill relish (so yummy)
3 half pints and 3 quarter pints of pickled jalapenos
3 dehydrator trays of dried tomatoes
2 trays of dried bananas
The green beans, zucchini, pickles, and some of the tomatoes came out of our garden and it is still going strong. In fact our zucchini and pumpkin crossed each others path and now I have several huge squash that I don't know what I'm going to do with. They are yummy, but we can only eat so much of it. Hmm... maybe I'll try to can some! In the past I have frozen a few berries and maybe made some jam, but that was pretty much the extent of my efforts. I am really enjoying all the canning this year and I'm excited to get some more things put up, like chili and soup! I will continue to update this list through the canning season for my own journal.
2 I love comments!!:
wow! I am impressed and a little envious!
I absolutely love the canning time. Such a feeling of accomplishment.
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