Decisions, Decisions....

I am a planner. Yes, I know, you are in shock, right? I love making a schedule and in fact, I just finished one for us this morning that takes us through the end of April with our extracurricular activities. What a feeling of accomplishment!

That being said, you might be surprised to learn that I am terrible at making decisions. I need to mull things over and over.... and over, torturing myself in the process. Just when I think I have decided what I am going to do, and I let the whole world in on my plan, the doubts begin. The current big decision is about a trip to see my mom. We normally spend Christmas with her, but just couldn't make it this year. I assured her that we would plan a trip soon. I had convinced myself that now was the time, but there are so many factors involved. Namely, leaving Dale on his own during a very busy and stressful time, but there really isn't an end in sight to the business and stress of it all. So, do I stay home to be a help to my husband, postponing my trip indefinitely or go be a good daughter and visit my mother??? Currently, I am supposed to leave on Friday but I still seeking God to make sure this is the correct decision for the time being.

1 I love comments!!:

meNmykids February 20, 2013 at 11:09 PM  

I do hope that you get the chance to go out. I think your mom could use your good cheer. And a hug or two from those darling little girls.

About this blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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