Organizing girls' outfits

I just did some shopping and decided try to take pictures of outfits so my girls can pick what to wear. I gathered some pieces we already had to complete some of the outfits.  They were VERY cooperative and are excited to start using the system I created. In fact, even now as I am trying to post, Samantha is begging to go to iphoto and pick out her outfit for the day. Here are some of their new looks:

First we have the bronze boot with the turquoise knee socks with the outfit, or we can choose the black shimmer flats with black lace trim leggings below.

Pictures can't do justice to this adorable outfit.  These jean leggings have brown stitching which totally matches the leopard print, and the  shimmery lace flats are super cute or could be switched for the bronze boots.

I love this little skirt!  Again, pictures can't do justice to it.

We recently picked up these red boots and skirt at different 2nd hand stores.  A true score, and now I can pair them with these adorable striped tights and turquoise ruffle shirt.

These navy polka dot flats make me very happy.

This turned out to be one of my very favorite of all of the outfits.

We had a leopard attack during the middle of our "fashion shoot"!

This trench coat was another gem we found a few months back that looks darling with the new outfit.

Again, the red boots totally make the outfit.  I'm not as confident about the turquoise print socks here, she is so I'm sure she can pull it off!

Miss Ella is always full of confidence, but I will may have her wear cream tights with this instead.

I love these little tights, although they are 2 sizes to big.  Thank goodness there's a little extra room in these boots.  And here again we have a jean skirt we got a while back that she loves.

My beautiful girls.

Here is miss Ella in her sisters old tights and shirt, and boots from a friend.  All hand me downs, except her new $4.00 skirt. Love it and I will have her wear her jean jacket with this.  Super cute!

Here she is with her navy Mary Jane's.

I have tagged each piece in iphoto. So, if one of the girls wants to wear red boots, we just go into iphoto and look up red boots and it shows every outfit we have to wear them with.

As I was working on this today, a few things I had ordered online came in the mail and I was able to get started with this on my own outfits too.  This was time consuming today, but it will save me loads of time later.  It can easily take me 30 minutes on Sunday morning to figure out what we are wearing. Yes, I should plan it ahead and I manage to do that occasionally, but for the most part unless I think about it 3-4 days in advance, it just gets too busy around here on the weekend.

Another great application for this plan is packing for a trip.  It takes me FOREVER!  I'm always trying things on and making a mess.  I also have my girls try things on so I can see just what I want to take for them.  I'm a little obsessed, I admit it.  But now, we will have all of the outfits pictured and just have to round them up.

This has been a time consuming process and I've only just begun.  I have pulled almost all of the girls' clothes out to be thorough and have a complete photo gallery of their wardrobe.  I am very excited!  It will be like looking through a catalog, but then just walking into the next room to pick up your stuff.

5 I love comments!!:

meNmykids October 23, 2013 at 9:22 AM  

Super cute outfits! You really did hit some fun sales :-) I love how versatile the different pieces are! You are amazing to be able to organize this.

Sabriena October 28, 2013 at 5:09 PM  

It is an interesting idea to pair all the outfits and take pictures of them to organize them! Enoch is easy, I don't have many clothes to choose from at present, and Emma's darling outfits sometimes quickly become play outfits. Very quickly. So I'm not sure this system would save me that much time, even if I felt the energy to start yet another project! LOL.

Sabriena October 28, 2013 at 5:10 PM  

Oh, and I meant to say your girls are SO CUTE!!! They look adorable in their new outfits.

michelle gray November 1, 2013 at 7:56 AM  

I have to say Chantel this is something you can totally use .Daily! I can remember what it was like living with you and trying on clothes for church and changing and the piles that would be left when something was finally found to wear. It looks like you have found a great system once you get it all set up with all their clothes.

Chantel H November 14, 2013 at 12:57 PM  

Michelle, I have started this system for myself too and it has helped me a lot.

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Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

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