My thoughts today

1. Andy got a job. He is a gas station attendant. He really worked hard to get this job. It is amazing how it has changed his attitude overnight. It is obvious that he feels more grown up.

2. Where is summer? We had one week of nice weather weeks ago, and now this. I live in the desert and today's afternoon temperature is 56. The wind is bone chilling. It's nearly mid-June, what's going on? Global cooling?? Who knows, I just want some warmer temps. I am SICK of my winter clothes.

3. Thank you, Cherrie, for a good laugh. Yes, I choked on my drink because I was laughing so hard, but it was worth it.

4. Sis Jewel makes an awesome applesauce cake. I have been enjoying it to much, which leads me to my next thought...

5. Count down to Ashley's wedding; only 11 days left. Yikes! I sooo wanted to lose a few pounds. There's always tomorrow. Maybe all the applesauce cake will be gone by then. Since I'm the only one eating it, I'm not sure how that will happen.

6. I love Redbox. For those of you who might not know, Redbox is where you rent movies for $1.00 a night. They have new releases too. It is a vending machine, they are in McDonald's, Walmart, Albertson's and various other retail stores. You may return your rental to ANY Redbox. This would work great for traveling. Redbox is ideal for tightwad entertainment.

7. I am sleepy today. The combo of Redbox last night and getting up before 5am to take Andy to work has made me one tired lady.

8. Please comment. It makes me very happy to read all your little comments, but I know, you know what I mean:)

11 I love comments!!:

meNmykids June 10, 2008 at 2:39 PM  

Thanks for the call today. I love visiting with you. Congrats to Andy! He really is more grown up now. Unreal. My countdown to Ashleys wedding is depressing. No lost pounds here, no way! Hope your day is good. We dropped the bike ride, rain. Again.

Kalisha June 10, 2008 at 3:55 PM  

Thank you for FINALLY inviting me. LOL. Do you realize what it took to get you to invite me? LOL. Well I've got to do other things now. I cant wait till next time when I have time to read your blog.

Sylvia June 10, 2008 at 5:35 PM  

Maybe you need some of our heat. I don't think you would appreciate the humidity though. We have been having a lot of storms.

So how is the dinner delima? Is the plan working? I hope so. I am making an effort to do better.

I hope you are able to lose the weight you want. You look really good.

Cherrie June 10, 2008 at 7:00 PM  

I am so happy that I am good for a good laugh once and awhile. I am so proud of Andy for getting a job, but a little sad he won't be able to come stay with us some this summer.

JoAnn June 11, 2008 at 7:56 AM  

I LOVE Redbox too! It is a great idea. I just wish they would put one in Olathe. Closet one is Wal-Mart in South Montrose.

I am so sad that I will not be able to go to Ashleas wedding. I will just have to send her a nice card with money.

Marisela June 11, 2008 at 8:12 AM  

Yeah! Thanks for the invite.....finally! He he he. It was fun to catch up on all your posts. I just want to say you look great, and in my opinion don't need to lose any pounds. So enjoy the cake! :) Cake and sweets are my weakness too. I definately would like to lose some poundage, but the snacks keep haunting me.....I have made it to the gym a few times a week here lately, so thet has to count for something...Right???

Jules June 11, 2008 at 8:35 AM  

Hey, you forgot to mention the thought that we had a GREAT conversation yesterday ;) just kiddin'. I'm glad Andy is happy with his job, it will be so nice for him to have his own money. If you want warm weather, get out here!!! PLEASE!!! Cherrie is always good to make a great laugh, her and her husband are a hoot :) We just barely got a redbox in Sapulpa. Before that, we would have had to go about 15 miles away, into Tulsa to rent one. But now we have one in the new Wal-Mart. I may start using it, but that Wal-Mart is still 6 miles away. And honestly I still use the old Wal-Mart more. Oh well. TTYL :)

Sabriena June 11, 2008 at 8:41 PM  

Nice post. I loved the thought about "maybe Global cooling?" I agree. When I made my bed this morning, I had to put the extra blanket back on that I had taken off a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to sleep without for the past several days. Sigh. Oh, well. It wasn't too bad, because I was thinking about the surprise birthday party I received yesterday, and I was also praying for Bro. Loren and Sis. Suzie, and their newborn daughter.

Sylvia June 12, 2008 at 10:30 AM  

I just wanted to add congratulations on Andy getting a job!! I am glad it is so exciting for hom.

Chantel H June 13, 2008 at 1:18 PM  

Gale: I tried to call you again today, but you were on your way to the homeschool convention.I know it just won't be the same without me!

Kali: sorry it took so long. I meant to do it a week before when I was on, but I ran out of time on the computer.

Sylvia: we now have our own heat, without humidity of coarse.

The dinner thing is going better, I know at least a few hours in advance what I'm going to fix anyway. Andy got his license today though, so I am actally excited to send him off in search of last minute dinner ingredients.

Cherrie: Yes, I know you were looking forward to having Andy over, but I don't think he'll be going anywhere soon. Working Sunday afternoons is really going to limit him.

Joann: I'm sure Ashley will be tickled pick to receive the card and money. With the price of gas these days most of us won't be making as many trips.

Marisela: Sorry about the wait on the invite, but I thought you were a stranger and I was very scared. Not really, but you know about my internet phobias. After your complaint, I realized it was you, so all I can say is, sign your emails:)

Julie: I taked to you first thing that morning and while I totally enjoyed our conversation, anything that happens in the first hour of my day is normally like a dream and goes easily from my mind. After an hour I am USUALLY totally awake.

Sabriena: we have had our "extra" blanket on lately too. We are getting warmer weather now, but that means we have clear sky's. Last night we got down to a chilly 30 degrees. This is why people here don't usually have gardens. The growing season is extremely short.

Trina June 17, 2008 at 4:27 PM  

I am sick of this doomy gloomy weather too! Ugh! Where has summer gone? Congrats to Andy for his new job, Isaiah loves the idea that him and Andy both work at Chevron for their first job. They are so cute! hehehe Redbox isn't so great for traveling. California didn't have a single redbox when we went to Disneyland. I thought I was genius went I brought our laptop and thought I would rent and return along the way....Nope! I feel the same way about comments,but I need to get on the stick first...*hopeless sigh*

About this blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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