A tightwad fashion show

I recently got to do some shopping for some needed items. Here are some of the deals I got.

These Levis jeans are $44.00 reg price. I paid $22.00. This is the best deal I have ever gotten on new Levis brand jeans. I can normally find them for about $10.00 - $12.00 off.

I love my new purple shirt, too.

It was reg $28.00. I paid $12.00. It is very feminine with special detail around the neck and elastic at the arms. I made the fred meyer clerk take this one off the manikin. It's the last one they had! Again, I love it. The picture doesn't do it justice. I also have a new white tank on under the shirt. I bought it a few months ago for $9.00 reg $18.00. It has crocheted lace at the neck. I was going to take it back because I didn't have anything to wear it with, but I lost the receipt and was afraid they wouldn't give me all my money. Now I'm glad I kept it!

This green T-shirt is very basic, but comfortable and casual. This one was $28.00 reg and $12.00 on sale also.

I have been eyeing this little white skirt for a while. It is very wrinkled here because it sat in my floor all night. I don't remember the reg. price on this one, but it was on clearance for $25.00 and I paid $15.00. It is lined and just adorable in person, especially with my new purple shirt.

So far, my clothing deals have been good, but not spectacular. Here are the deals the "Tightwad Gazette Lady" would be proud of:

I thought this black and white top was darling and knowing how much I paid for my other clothes, you know I would have gladly paid the $1.00 asking price, but at yard sales the rules are different and I was happy when the lady took my $0.50 offer.

These are some freebie shoes from shopaholic sis cherrie. I will take her discards anyday! She gave me these shoes last oct and I have wore them a few times but I didn't have THE thing to go with. They are a hit with my new black and white, $.50 shirt!

Here's another yard sale find. I agonized whether or not to get this with the move coming but I just love it. $5.00 She was asking $7.00.

Here it is with some of my other decorations. I love my little metal wall hanging. My Dad bought it for me as a surprise.

This is a picture of my mantle and the family ties sign I bought a few months ago. It was 14.99 at TJ Max.

And the winner IS...

Thanks to all of you who participated in my contest in my last post. I would have to say that Marisela won. I am starving right now and it's been a loooooong time since I've had a grilled cheese sandwich! Marisela knows my issues with dairy, and knowing her devious nature, I would say she decided to stop at nothing to win this contest. I'm sure she felt that the satisfaction of winning would out way her guilt over tempting me with the sandwich. Thanks Marisela, that's what friends are for! I give a close second place to Kali. Great effort and interesting comment. If I wasn't hungry right now, you might have won!

Help, I have the Blah's

I can't seem to come up with any great topic for a new post. I feel I have been retrospective lately and not very talkative. This now carrying over to my blog because every story I think of has more details than I am willing to sit here and write about. Sorry. Maybe you guys could give some really great comments and that would spark a new post. In fact, lets have a little contest on who can leave the most interesting comment. I know there are some of you out there who are competitive by nature, so here's a chance for you to shine. I will be the judge of coarse, and again I said, the most interesting comment, not the longest (Sabriena:)

About this blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a stay at home mom and wife who is thankful to the Lord for my many blessings! I love lists and can't fully function unless I am following one, whether it be for groceries, daily errands and chores, or long term goals. I like to share my sometimes comical experiences about cooking and menu planning, being a tightwad, my adorable children, and thoughts on God's plan for me and mine. I love comments and feedback!

I love my Honey!!

I  love my Honey!!
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