I so enjoy being a homeschool mom. Our day is what we make of it. We do what we (I) want for the most part. There is so much freedom in that. Recently Andy mentioned an interest in going back to public school. I reminded him of some of the differences in the two lifestyles.
Homeschool vs public school
He just took a trip to Oklahoma. The only vacations in highschool are around
the schools schedule
He likes to spend time at best bud's
Isaiah's sometime during the year.
Andy starts school around 9am. The bus runs by our house about 7:45am
Andy is usually done with school by at least. The bus runs by our house about 4pm
2pm (thats with an hour for lunch)
Andy almost never does school work in We know some public highschool kids and
evenings or on weekends they have hours of homework every day!
There were many other reasons as well and Andy was easily convinced that his life is all good just the way it is. Then he started drivers ed. He was a little irritated that he was given 2 hours of homework every class. He has class twice a week so 4 hours of homework. This week he is doing state testing at the highschool plus drivers ed, and have I mentioned that I have a homeschool geography class once a week?Here is our day yesterday:
7am everyone up
8:10am take Andy to highschool for testing
8:30 I go to curves for my morning workout
9:30 I get home shower, do laundry, and clean
10:30 go get Andy from highschool
11:00 get back home for lunch
11:45 Andy mows the lawn
12:15 lawn mower runs out of oil
12:25 Andy changes clothes from mowing
12:30 Andy works on homework for drivers ed that is due this afternoon
1:15 leave for geography class
3:15 leave geography class for drivers ed
3:30 drop Andy at highschool for drivers ed
3:40 I happily blog my hour away on the library computer
4:40 I head for home and make dinner in record time plus some cleanup around the house
5:20 go pick up Andy from drivers ed
5:45 finish up making dinner
6:00 eat
6:25 get ready for church
6:45 leave for church
Today there is no drivers ed and tomorrow is the last day of testing, but with all of these extra classes and home work, I don't think we are going to have any more public school discussions. Andy is stressed and ready for life to get back to normal. The homework for just one class has been a huge eye opener for him. It has been a good experience.
The life of a homeschooler
Posted by
Chantel H
April 19, 2007
6 I love comments!!:
WoW ..Your day was pretty busy yesterday .But of course it is not always that way.So much of the days with MacKenzie we are done by noon and that is with starting at about 8:30 . She is very much wanting to go to school next year.Brian not sure about it ,he told her he would start praying about it.It is very hard for her when everyone else goes,especailly next year when our little Dale starts all day kendergarden.Pray that we'll know what to do about her going to public school.I would be lost if they are all in school.
Okay that was a crazy busy day!! I think you hit the nail on the head when you said those discussions will be a distant memory from now on..hehe
2 hrs of homework for 1 class...CRAZY!!
I didnt know you were taking Andy to the highschool for testing. How is that going? I need to sign Isaiah up for drivers ed. We decided it was worth it, it seems like we JUST did this with River....sigh..hehehe He is excited though!
You are a busy woman. Isnt homeschooling awesome? I just love the freedom and we arent tied down to the "school's" schedule.
Michelle: I will pray that you guys will know what to about Mackenzie next year. I know that will be a tough decision to make.
Trina: We won't know how Andy did on the tests until fall, but he is almost always the first one done and he says they are easy. I'm a little worried though because sometimes he just plows through and doesn't do the best job. We will see.
Cheryl: I do love homeschooling and we can't wait till this drivers ed is done and we can get OUR schedule back!
Chantel, we have just been wandering what happened to you? You don't post any more and your last blog is real old.There was rumor of you planning on moving so we have desided that you are busy packing.HaHa ! Could it be or are we just wishfull thinking . the grays
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