I have been tagged!
Here are the rules..
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don't have a middle name use the middle name you would of liked to have had.
3. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.ere goes.
Here goes:
L... Listmaker. I have a list for everything. I go a couple of weeks sometimes with out using my daily planner, then I realize I am not getting anything accomplished. I need lists to function. I am extremely forgetful. We all know the old saying, "If my head wasn't attached, I would forget it." That is my life story without lists.
A... Aunt. I have many nieces and nephews. I love having them over to spend the night, or just to spend some time. As they are growing up we are able to bake together, fix hair (for some reason my nephews do not enjoy this), play games, and just plain talk. I love it. I already miss you guys!
D... Determined. I am determined to get my way! I like doing things my way and it's hard for me to give in.
A... A again, hmmm let me think. A favorite motel of mine is Daysinn. They are always nice and clean, they have breakfast and a pool and most important, they are cheap. Not really an A but a nice piece of information!
W... Worker. I like to get my work done. I hate going to town and leaving a messy house.
N... Nervous. If I'm not careful, I don't put all my faith in God and I allow myself to become nervous about a situation. Don't we all from time to time?
Has anyone ever heard of Curves for women? A gym just for ladies, sounds great doesn't it? I am hear to warn you about the pitfalls of Curves. I hope someone can learn something from my experience.
In January I joined curves. I loved it. I was very dedicated and made it in almost every day. The manager there was an up beat, energetic gal who was very motivating. She would always visit with us and plan games for us to play while working out.
In June she quit and the tone of our Curves changed dramatically. The new manager was always busy at the computer or putting away clothes. She seemed completely uninterested in the ladies working out. But we all decided to give her a chance to warm up to us. After several weeks, she did finally come over and chat with me once while I was working out. I thought things were improving.
The first week in July, Amanda, the new manager, informed some of the ladies that the Elma location would be closing August 1, 2007. Most of us have our Curves membership taken out of our bank accounts automatically, and Amanda said no more drafts would be taken.
I wasn't one of the members Amanda said this to, and when I went in the following day after hearing this information, I was surprised that once again she was to busy for the customers and said nothing about the store closing. I should have asked, but she seemed very busy so I didn't bother her.
I didn't return to Curves to work out after that, with a busy summer, the news of the store closing, had deflated any want to for exercise.
I was surprised however, when on July 16th Curves took my monthly membership out of my bank account. I went down right away to see if there was some misunderstanding. The girl in Curves at the time was very rude and told me that Curves wasn't closing, they were moving to a new location 10 miles away, but the manager would be in the next day and she would have her call me.
When I talked to Amanda, the manager, the next day( I went in, but she was just about to call me, yeah right) she was very condescending and said they had changed their minds about closing, they were indeed moving. I have a telephone they have my number. None of the members were contacted about this "change," and everyone still had to pay. Well, I won't go into the hairy details of the conversation, but I did give my cancellation in writing so that there wouldn't be anymore confusion. Amanda rolled her eyes and was condescending the entire time, but especially when I told her I was giving my cancellation in writing. She thought I should trust her word that she wouldn't charge me anymore.
I haven't been back for a workout since, but my Curves membership came out of my account again today, August 16. I'm not happy. When will this end?! They have over 30 members who are quitting because of the location move, and if they charge all of them for 2 extra months, that's over $2000.00!! Sounds like they've got a racket going on to me!
I have contacted Curves International over this matter, and I am trying to file a complaint with the BBB. Hopefully I will get some money back!
If you ever join curves, I would suggest paying the monthly payment instead of having it withdrawn automatically. It's about $10.00 more per month, but I have payed $73.00 extra so far. We'll see how next month goes.
I know there are those of you who are battling this along with me, feel free to copy and paste any part of this to form a complaint at
We have been planning to move to Central Oregon for a few months now. We have given our notice to be out by the end of the month. I guess it is time to get serious about moving. We are going down to try to get a house next week. We have made many, many long distance moves, not counting the local ones, in our 16 years of marriage, but this time I feel more nervous. I have prayed about having faith in the matter, but I just haven't been able to shake the feelings.
Our ministry last night was about having more faith, in fact the minister used some scripture that is very special to me. I know that God can take care of all things and I need to leave my cares with him. I am thankful that God helps us along in our lives, like giving me what he gave lastnight. It is our daily manna. Hopefully I can remember it and hold onto it for a few days!
I've been Tagged!!
How many of us aren't being tagged lately? Well here's my life story.
Here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I can tell you eight things about myself
2. I will tell you eight random facts/habits about myself
3. If you are tagged, you write your own blog post about your eight things (include the rules)
4. At the end of my blog, I will choose eight people to tag, and list their names
5. Don't forget: Leave them a comment telling them that they've been tagged!
Here are the facts:
1. I have 3 younger brothers and no sisters. My mom is a girly-girl and she was determined that her one and only girl would be ALL girl, so I was in curls and ruffles as a small child. I naturally followed in her footsteps and had no use for bugs or dirt, the fun things my brothers wanted to play with. I do remember Lee (my brother closest in age to me) and I playing Starwars. In my mind it was a love story so it was ok to play with the action figures.
2. I met my husband when I was 5. My family moved from Oklahoma to Oregon and I was able to meet many of the people who greatly affect my life today. I didn't want to move to Oregon and often cried and prayed to go back. Then when I was about 12 I had a dream that we did move back and I had to say goodbye to all my close friends in Oregon. It was a true nightmare and I never had the same feelings about Oklahoma again.
3. My least favorite chore is dusting. I remember going to each of my grandmother's homes and the help they wanted was dusting, so they probably hated it too. It must be hereditary. I only do the dusting if I have overnight guests coming and sometimes not even then. Maybe someday when I have grand daughter's my house will be dusted more often.
4. One of my pet peeves is the misuse of the words seen and saw. I am definitely no grammar buff, but for some reason every time someone does this I mentally correct them. For example people say, " I seen Bob yesterday" It should be " I saw Bob yesterday." Seen should be used with have. "Have you seen Bob?" or " I've seen you everywhere today, Bob." Every time someone says " I seen... " I automatically add an okie accent to their words in my head. Just a crazy little thing about me.
5. I had laryngitis at my bridal shower the week before my wedding. My good friend Trina sat up front with me and as I would mouth a big thank you to someone, and use my eyes and face to relate how I felt, she'd say, in a very mellow tone, "She says thank you." She has such a great sense of humor!
6. I used to get canker sores all the time. Growing up it seemed like I was always fighting one of these, including on my wedding day! I had been fighting sickness (remember the laryngitis) and in the end I had a monster fever blister in the corner of my mouth for the wedding pictures. Oddly enough, after I had Andy I didn't have them as much, but he did! At one point when he was 7 we made him cut way back on pizza, spaghetti, ketchup, and the sort (all of his favorites) because he couldn't get rid of the soars. As he has aged it has gotten better for him but he does have one as we speak.
7. I have served hairy home made noodles to company. We were having some dear old friends over to do some reconnecting. I spent all day making home made noodles and the works. As we were sitting over dinner we ALL found hair in our noodles. I had not pulled my hair back when cooking and I guess I was doing some big time shedding that day. I was sooo mortified. The company assured me all was fine. Truly I can't think of anyone I would have rather had over in that experience. Thanks for still loving me even after eating my hairy noodles Trina!
8. I have fallen bottom first into an un-flushed toilet with the seat up. Remember my 3 younger brothers. I do love them. I am a deep sleeper and I was practically sleep walking to the bathroom one night to relieve my bladder. I awoke rather suddenly and wasn't to happy about it as you can imagine.
I am tagging: Kali, Trina, Michelle G, Teresa, Gale, Mary, Cherrie,& Marisela
As most of you have been tagged recently I suppose that list will do. The rules are subject to interpretation.