We are moving sooner than we first planned. We will not be making the camp out:( Today was our official move out day. It was crazy and hectic. First our land lord informed us that he would be charging us to repaint the house! We have lived in about 20 different homes and I have never had a land lord that was so picky or charged us to repaint. Before we left Bend, I found out we were driving our moving truck without insurance. Last year when we moved, our agent went over all of our coverages and told us we didn't have to purchase the extra insurance offered by the truck company. This move, I tried to contact my Oregon agent, but because our moving date was changed with such short notice, I wasn't able to reach them until today. They informed us as we were driving down the road that now that our policy is in Oregon, we are not covered for a moving truck. No insurance on a 26 ft. nice, new, huge truck. No stress there. I got in touch with Penske and they said we had to go into a dealer so they could inspect the truck before they would let us purchase insurance. The closest dealer along our way is in Boise, unless we wanted to go back to Salem where we picked up the truck. Thankfully we have made it safely this far. Early tomorrow morning we will go get the insurance, what a relief that will be. We came upon a terrible wreck about 10 miles back, I am thankful that God has protected us.
Just checking in
Sean and Marisela made it in last Wed. night. He called meeting on Thurs and Fri, then a singing on Sat. It was all very good and uplifting, including Sunday. We heard about doing for others and counting our blessings, just to name a few. I really enjoyed the time we got to spend with them. Today I need to get back onto the job of packing, so I thought I would make a quick little post as it may be a while before I return to the blogging world. I will miss you all. Please leave me lots of wonderful comments to come back to.
Busy Days
I have started packing. What a chore! I have almost all of our books packed, all 12 boxes of them! Amazingly we have really down sized these last 2 moves and have gotten rid of a lot of books.
Today I am working on cleaning up the packing mess and getting some groceries because we have company coming. Safeway has a $10 off coupon in the Tuesday paper this week, so I am heading there to take advantage of their other good deals too. $1.89 lb boneless skinless chicken. Not as cheap as I paid last time ($1.49) but still a great deal, especially with $10 off.
Sean and Marisela should be in for dinner tonight and are staying through Friday. I am really looking forward to it. We see each other in passing at weddings, ect., but it's been a while since we really got to spend some quality time with them. She hasn't seen my house yet, so I didn't start packing any decor (normally my first boxes to pack). I still have 2 weeks until I need to be packed, I'm sure I have plenty of time.
Movin' on up
As many of you know, we have been praying about moving for a few months now. At first we had no idea where the Lord would send us, only that we were going to move. Just over a month ago Dale started thinking about a place, but we didn't want to say anything until we knew for sure. We have now given our months notice and rented our Penske truck, so I would say it is official. We are moving to Denver, Co.
I have some mixed feelings about the move. I love the brethern there dearly and I am excited to get re-aquainted with them. We have lived there 3 1/2 years total through out our marriage. On the other hand, I feel that my heart is in the Northwest and that it is definately my home. I know God knows best and I can't wait to see what his will is for us there. Knowing the way we move around, we will probably be back in the Northwest someday. Until then, I will miss you all. I feel that we are such a close family out here. We are intending to go to the Oregon campout so I hope to see many of you there for a last goodbye. Just know now, I will be shedding some tears.