Sean and Marisela made it in last Wed. night. He called meeting on Thurs and Fri, then a singing on Sat. It was all very good and uplifting, including Sunday. We heard about doing for others and counting our blessings, just to name a few. I really enjoyed the time we got to spend with them. Today I need to get back onto the job of packing, so I thought I would make a quick little post as it may be a while before I return to the blogging world. I will miss you all. Please leave me lots of wonderful comments to come back to.
9 I love comments!!:
The weekend was very good ! and I thought the singing was nice too.
Thanks for having us. I'm really thankful things worked out for us to come before you moved away. Sorry I delayed your packing, but your house did look very cute!
I already miss you. Looking forward to our Saturday chats, still. It sounds like just the thing for Sean and Marisela to come down, so glad they did, they can really be a lift.
Grandma is here and we are having a great time. Contemplating another family reunion project!
Good luck packing! We're having a Yard Sale this weekend and that has motivated me to finisht UN-packing! We've lived here for like 3 months and I'm just now finishing up. I still have some decorating I want to do, but that requires buying things; so that doesn't count as unpacking.
I'm glad you got to spend some time with Sean and Marisela. We sure do enjoy them, but we didn't mind sharing them for a few days!
I'm glad that you had such good meetings out there. I hope it won't be too long of a while until you come back to the blogging world. I love to read your posts (even if you DON'T love to read mine!!! LOL).
I'm glad you had a chance to spend time with them before you go on to your next adventure. I cant wait to hear about things that happen after you move. I'm sure the Lord will have some sweet things for you there! Keep us posted!
Can't wait to have you a lot closer to us. We PROMISE to make it to Denver more than we made it to Oregon ;) You'll only be 9 hours away!!!!
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